ANSA Records

Annual Geoff Hawkins Meritorious Capture awards.
This is an award that commemorates the service to ANSA by Geoff Hawkins, NSW Life member, National Life member.

Geoff Hawkins Meritorious Capture Awards

NOTE:- All fish weights and /or line classes are recorded in kilograms.

Senior records-Line class/Weight

Game fishing
Lure fishing
L/Based Game fishing
Fly fishing

Junior records-Line class/Weight

Sport fishing
Game fishing
Lure fishing
L/Based Game fishing
Fly fishing

Sub-junior records-Line class/Weight

Sport fishing
Game fishing
Lure fishing
L/Based Game fishing

All Tackle Records

All Tackle Records Chart

Trophy Length Only Records 

Records of captures recorded by the fish length. Used for catch and release. New records must be over previous length by at least 5 mm.

Trophy Length Only Records
Updated 16 August 2024

ANSA National Masters Awards
Updated 17 June 2023

Current Masters list click here

In addition to claiming National Records all ANSA members can participate in a range of activities that can lead to personal achievement awards known as Masters Awards. There are essentially two kinds of Masters Awards, the first being driven by line class and the mass of the fish and its prescribed fighting factor and the second where line class is not a factor and the only determinant is the overall length of the fish. The National Rule Book ( pages 32 – 36 ) explain in considerable detail how these Masters Awards are governed.

Line Class Masters      
There are 9 separate tackle divisions eligible for Line Class Masters Awards:

  • Sportfishing
  • Lure Fishing
  • Fly Fishing
  • Game Fishing
  • Hand Lining
  • Land Based Gamefishing
  • Tagging
  • Freshwater Impoundments
  • Land Based Sportfishing

To achieve a Line Class Masters Award in a particular Division a member must capture a minimum of 10 different species each of which must exceed 100 points (see rule book for how the point system works) and submit each capture to the member’s Club Recorder. Either the member or the Club Recorder (or both) will track captures until a minimum of 10 captures is reached.

When this milestone is achieved, a Masters claim form should then be completed and forwarded to the National Master Keeper for processing via the State Branch Recorder / Masters Keeper. Claim forms are available from the forms page.

There are special concessions that apply for Junior members and Tasmanian Members (See Rule Book).

There are other categories of Line Class Masters Award that may be claimed by members once they have achieved the initial Masters Award. eg Masters 20 or Masters 30 Awards.

ANSA National will issue a certificate and embroidery emblem to members who achieve these awards.

All Tackle – Trophy Length Masters Awards
This is a new award which only come into effect from 1 July 2008. Essentially the member must submit 10 different eligible trophy species of a minimum length (as listed pages 8 -10 of the Rule Book or as determined by individual State Branches) to be eligible for this award. As the “All Tackle” prefix implies there is no line class or fighting factor involved in achieving this award. Any type of eligible tackle may be used and the overall length of the fish is the only determining factor. This type of award has special emphasis on capture and release fishing activity.

For more details refer to pages 35 – 36 of the Rule Book.

When this milestone is achieved, a Masters claim form should then be completed and forwarded to the National Master Keeper for processing via the State Branch Recorder / Master Keeper. Claim forms are available from the forms page.

There are other categories of All Tackle – Length Only Masters Awards that may be claimed by members once they have achieved the initial Masters Award. e.g. Masters 20 or Masters 30 Awards etc.

ANSA National will issue a certificate and embroidery emblem to members who achieve these awards.

Other Masters Awards      
Members are also entitled to claim for Tagging Awards, Freshwater Impoundment Masters Awards and Land Based Sportfishing Masters Awards. Details of these awards can be found on pages 36 -38 of the Rule Book.

Masters data base history
This list was initially prepared by former masters keeper Ron Poole by recording all the masters claims that were still held as National archives in the original claim forms on to a data base. The forms resided in several cardboard boxes and somewhat separated by a system of folders tied with string.  The list has been added to by other master keepers until around December 1997.

Since then a new master keepers have been appointed and more later listings have been added. These are now included in this growing list.

I feel sure there are still quite a few missing however over time these may surface and assist in completing the list.

The data base list was once loaded into a computer somewhere that had the date settings set to the US system and that mistake consequently destroyed a lot of the data relating to dates. Fortunately Ron kept an old book that had all the masters listed up until the time he vacated the master keeper position and that faded list was checked and all the dates that were listed in the book were painstakingly re-entered by Dennis Fox, a member of the Townsville Sportfishing Club.

As quite a lot of the actual date data has been destroyed any information relating to correct dates will be greatly appreciated. The list will be updated as changes come in from members.

A special thanks to Bruce Tozer, he has managed to get together all the NSW masters from 1997 onwards and this has been added to the list. Lets hope other States have some sort of listing history that we can add to this important list of achievements.

You can download the current list  HERE. The list is about 200K in size and is in pdf format.

Pending line class

The line class tracker allows members to check on the progress of a record claim in line class
Line Class Pending Record Tracker

Pending Trophy Length

Length only Records yet to be ratified by the National Recorder.

Pending Masters 

Pending Masters Claims

Claiming a record

ANSA – National Records
There are several different categories of National Records available for members to cater for all kinds of fishing techniques and passions.

“Line Class / Weight” National Records
The traditional Line Class/Weight National Record has been in operation almost since the start of the ANSA organisation. Each fish species is given a rating or fighting factor. Most fish are given a factor of 1.0, exceptional fighting fish or hard to catch fish such as Mangrove Jack rate a factor of 2.0 whereas a flathead rates 1.0 and most rays rate a factor of 0.5, the points score of a catch is calculated using a simple formula. For more information on fish factors check the species list in the Rule Book

eg Flathead weighing 2.9 Kg captured on 2 Kg line
Points = MASS (2.9) X 100 X Factor (1.0) Divided by the line class (2kg) = 145

Line classes in use range from 1 kg to 60 kg across 6 different Tackle Divisions including:   Sportfishing, Lure Fishing, Fly Fishing, Game Fishing, Handline, Land based Game Fishing

There are separate categories within each Tackle Division catering for Juniors and Seniors.

“All Tackle / Weight” National Records
As the name implies members can submit captures of eligible species on any type of eligible tackle and line class is not relevant.  The only factor involved is the weight of the species.

“All Tackle / Trophy Length” National Records”  
This is a new category of record introduced on 1 July 2008 to complement the existing range of record categories. As the name implies, line class is not relevant and the largest measured length of an eligible species is the sole driving factor. This new category of record has particular appeal to those members who are keen on capture and release.

ANSA has the largest record chart in the world and may take some minutes to download depending on your modem speed. Information on any rules and regulations for fishing in ANSA are available from any Branch Executive member.  Having a mechanism for the verification of records and recognition for your catch is a really good reason for becoming a member of an ANSA affiliated club in the first place. You must be an ANSA member to claim any records in any division etc. Some of these files contain hundreds of records and as stated before may take some time to download. I suggest that you save the file to your PC and then you can view it anytime off-line.  I suggest that you use the “back” button on your browser to get back to the records page after viewing the section that interests you. If you want to find a name or a location within any table use the ‘edit’ function on your toolbar then click on the ‘find’ option.

All forms can be downloaded from the forms page.

IGFA World Record ClaimsRecent changes of IGFA record claims

To simplify the process for claiming dual ANSA Australian and IGFA World Records ANSA has introduced the following process. The angler should complete an IGFA World Record claim form and forward the form together with the line sample and processing fee direct to IGFA at 300 Gulf Stream Way, Dana Beach, Florida, 3304 U.S.A. A photocopy of the completed IGFA claim form should be taken and the copy forwarded onto the ANSA National Recorder. This copy can be sent by the angler or the club recorder direct to the National Recorder or via the State Branch Recorder – particularly if a State record is also involved.  For the purpose of ANSA line class records, ANSA will accept and abide by the IGFA decision and outcome on line testing.  It will be the responsibility of the member / club to notify the ANSA National Recorder and or Branch Recorder of the IGFA decision on the world record claim so that the ANSA record claim can then be processed to finalisation.

IGFA world record claim forms are available at . If you need to check out the current world record for a species or whatever then you will need to go to the IGFA website and search under the ‘Fishing” reference. You will need to key in the title – Australian National Sportfishing Association – and the membership number 1152515.

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